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1)  What is our homepage for e-content? or

2) If a university has subsidiaries in other countries, does the subscription price also apply to all branches?

In principle, yes, but please specify when ordering.

3) Are there any restrictions on IP ranges/number of possible users?


4) What are the general licence conditions?

The general licence conditions can be found here.

In addition, there is a framework agreement (Niso) which Harrassowitz has signed and which is used as a basis in conjunction with the other signatories (mainly American libraries and subscription agencies).

5) Will the contents remain accessible after termination and which volumes are included in the subscription?

Yes, the volumes already paid for remain accessible

Central Asiatic Journal (since 2008)

Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters (since 2022)

Die Sprache (since 2006)

Die Welt der Slaven (since 2016)

Enchoria (since 2010/2011)

Globalgeschichte / Global History (since 2023)

Journal of Asian History (since 2008)

Journal of Olympic History (since 2023)

Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte (since 2011/2012)

Mediterranean Language Review (since 2011)

Oriens Extremus (since 2011)

Sasanian Studies - Late Antique Iranian World (since 2022)

Studia Eblaitica (since 2015)

Turkic Languages (since 2015)

Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch,  Neue Folge (since 2013)

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (since 2010)

Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte (since 1995)

Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik (since 2010)

Zeitschrift für Balkanologie (since 2002)

6) When can e-books follow?

Planned for September 2024.

7) What are the advantages of subscribing to several journals at the same time?

As before with JSTOR, the advantage remains at 15% if at least 8 journals are purchased at the same time.

8) Long-term archiving

Long-term archiving is carried out by Portico for former JSTOR customers before 2022, From 2022, Harrassowitz will take over long-term archiving for current subscriptions.

9) What are the subscription options for subscribers?

a) Print only (no change, invoiced on publication of the volume or the 1st issue)
b) Print and e-combination (invoicing at the beginning of the year, delivery on publication)
c) E-only (charged at the beginning of the year)

10) How is access to the purchased content established?

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11)  Are usage statistics provided?

We offer following usage statistics for library administrators, which can be requested and evaluated independently:

  • Number of successful full-text downloads by month and journal title
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Library administrators must actively register on our site and will be activated as soon as the library has confirmed the registration to the publisher.

12) Open URL





Parameters Description:

genre: "journal" or "book
issn: print ISSN
eissn: online ISSN
date: year of publication
volume: volume number
title: title of the publication
issue: issue number
spage; start page of the article

13) EZ Proxy

OCLC maintains a database stanza to provide access to specific e-resources in EZproxy:

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